#touchbook IRC Log


IRC Log for 2012-06-13

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[6:00] -mrmist- [Global Notice] - A reminder that this coming weekend sees our long awaited services upgrade and database prune. All nicks unused for 150 days or more will be dropped from the database. Please make sure you have identified to your accounts, and used your grouped nicks. use /msg nickserv info when identified to see yours and thanks for flying freenode!
[18:30] -jtrucks- [Global Notice] - A reminder that this coming weekend sees our long awaited services upgrade and database prune. All nicks unused for 150 days or more will be dropped from the database. Please make sure you have identified to your accounts and used your grouped nicks. Use /msg nickserv info while identified to see yours, and thanks for flying freenode!

These logs were automatically created by TouchBook-LogBot on irc.freenode.net using the Java IRC LogBot.