#touchbook IRC Log


IRC Log for 2010-03-14

Timestamps are in GMT/BST.

[1:23] * Matthias-- (~Matthias@2a01:e35:2e79:e590:217:31ff:feb6:acf3) has joined #touchbook
[3:03] * Vito_| (~Sysel@gw.loccal.net) has joined #touchbook
[3:04] * Vito89 (~quassel@r6bf250.net.upc.cz) has joined #touchbook
[3:05] * mcr (mcr@wlan202.sandelman.ca) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[3:06] * mcr (mcr@wlan202.sandelman.ca) has joined #touchbook
[3:25] * Noume (~Noone@d185175.adsl.hansenet.de) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[3:26] * Noume (~Noone@d120165.adsl.hansenet.de) has joined #touchbook
[3:45] * leinir (~leinir@amarok/usability/leinir) has joined #touchbook
[4:03] * jvs (~jvs@cpe90-146-54-100.liwest.at) has joined #touchbook
[4:03] * christoph_debian (~christoph@cl-1281.dus-01.de.sixxs.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)
[4:05] * christoph_debian (~christoph@cl-1281.dus-01.de.sixxs.net) has joined #touchbook
[4:10] * Anges (~Anges@lns-bzn-49f-62-147-173-3.adsl.proxad.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[4:14] * torpor (~w1x@88-117-10-149.adsl.highway.telekom.at) has joined #touchbook
[4:15] * jvs (~jvs@cpe90-146-54-100.liwest.at) Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[4:20] * Anges (~Anges@lns-bzn-49f-62-147-173-3.adsl.proxad.net) has joined #touchbook
[4:25] * phcoder (~phcoder@ has joined #touchbook
[4:27] * jvs (~jvs@cpe90-146-54-100.liwest.at) has joined #touchbook
[4:33] * Mrkva (~Mrkva@ has joined #touchbook
[4:51] * jvs (~jvs@cpe90-146-54-100.liwest.at) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[5:36] * Mrkva (~Mrkva@ Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[5:36] * Mrkva (~Mrkva@ has joined #touchbook
[5:37] * Martix (~Martix@gw-unart.inext.cz) has joined #touchbook
[6:32] * mcr (mcr@wlan202.sandelman.ca) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[7:06] * mongrelcat (~taylorh@c-76-111-169-204.hsd1.de.comcast.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[7:27] * Mrkva (~Mrkva@ Quit (Quit: leaving)
[7:31] * Meizirkki (~Meizirkki@bbwirelessgw2-fee1dc00-2.dhcp.inet.fi) has joined #touchbook
[7:52] * shiznebit (~shiznebit@ool-18b99096.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #touchbook
[7:58] * shiznebit (~shiznebit@ool-18b99096.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[7:59] * _ant_ (~ant@95-27-51-182.broadband.corbina.ru) has joined #touchbook
[8:13] * Mrkva (~Mrkva@ has joined #touchbook
[8:16] * _koen_ (~x0115699@nat/ti/x-suivsctjvpgzkjfi) has joined #touchbook
[8:18] <_ant_> Hello! I recently recieved my TouchBook, powered it ON with attached keyboard and charged it for 24 hours. The power supply works fine (~5.04V measured by voltmeter). Then orange battery led changed to green and I supposed that it is time to upgrade the OS. I found "Reinstall OS" page on Wiki, erased the SD card and followed the "On Linux" way. The script (install-sd.sh) was executed successfully. After that I checked the SD card and it s
[8:18] <_ant_> eems that all files are on their places (there is one small partition with the kernel and a large partition with squashfs images).
[8:18] <_ant_> BUT my TouchBook does not boots up now :(
[8:18] <_ant_> Nothing happens when I press the "Power" putton (just internal red led lights within the top part).
[8:18] <_ant_> I checked md5 sums of downloaded files and they are OK.
[8:18] <_ant_> What should I do to restore my system?
[8:20] * mcr (mcr@ has joined #touchbook
[8:20] <_ant_> All the operations with the SD card was performed on my Linux notebook with an integrated SDHC-capable card reader.
[8:22] <Meizirkki> Nothing happens when I press the "Power" putton (just internal red led lights within the top part). | That's what happens when batteries are very low power or when the files n the first parition are wrong..
[8:23] <Meizirkki> I think there might be something wrong with the card formatting
[8:23] <_ant_> What operations should I perform to be sure that the top part is charged?
[8:23] <Meizirkki> If you plug charger does it boot then ?
[8:24] <_ant_> no
[8:24] <Meizirkki> hmm
[8:24] <Meizirkki> weird
[8:24] <Meizirkki> what happens if you try to power it up without the SD card
[8:26] <Mrkva> or if your power adapter is not working properly
[8:26] <Mrkva> :)
[8:27] <Meizirkki> He said it works fine
[8:27] <Mrkva> _ant_: have you checked your power supply under load? or just measured voltage across the output without any load?
[8:28] <Meizirkki> Mrkva, the battery indicator turned to green so it probably is charging correctly
[8:28] <_ant_> Ohh, I'm sorry... I left the TouchBook with a connected power supply while I wrote my previous message (~5 minutes). Now it boots normally again. It seems that the top part does not charges =/
[8:29] <Meizirkki> There has been some discussion about top-battery on forums
[8:29] <Meizirkki> I soldered it on the bottom battery connectors, dirty fix but works :P
[8:31] * Meizirkki (~Meizirkki@bbwirelessgw2-fee1dc00-2.dhcp.inet.fi) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[9:01] * torpor (~w1x@88-117-10-149.adsl.highway.telekom.at) Quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
[9:04] * Martix (~Martix@gw-unart.inext.cz) has left #touchbook
[9:04] * Martix (~Martix@gw-unart.inext.cz) has joined #touchbook
[9:05] * JesusMcCloud (~jesus@84-119-57-62.dynamic.xdsl-line.inode.at) has joined #touchbook
[9:22] * mammique (~mammique@85-170-152-14.rev.numericable.fr) Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[9:23] * TomMD (~ai@71-34-66-100.ptld.qwest.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
[9:55] * robclark (~robclark@nat/ti/x-jpfjfogywtvgyenm) has joined #touchbook
[10:14] * tommd (~Thomas_Du@71-34-66-100.ptld.qwest.net) has joined #touchbook
[10:14] * azaghal_ (~azaghal@ has joined #touchbook
[10:17] * azaghal (~azaghal@ Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[10:24] * MMlosh (~MMlosh@2001:470:1f0b:b78:615b:196b:6034:961b) Quit (Quit: Bye...)
[10:25] * azaghal_ is now known as azaghal
[10:39] * leinir (~leinir@amarok/usability/leinir) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[10:40] * MMlosh (~MMlosh@2001:470:1f0b:b78:6141:6d5e:f623:db70) has joined #touchbook
[10:40] * leinir (~leinir@amarok/usability/leinir) has joined #touchbook
[10:44] * mcr (mcr@ Quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
[10:52] * jvs (~jvs@cpe90-146-54-100.liwest.at) has joined #touchbook
[10:55] * MMlosh (~MMlosh@2001:470:1f0b:b78:6141:6d5e:f623:db70) Quit (Quit: Bye...)
[11:03] * gregoiregentil (~gregoire@c-69-181-223-70.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has left #touchbook
[11:09] * gregoiregentil (~gregoire@c-69-181-223-70.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #touchbook
[11:12] * Noume (~Noone@d120165.adsl.hansenet.de) Quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
[11:14] * Noume (~Noone@g224178166.adsl.alicedsl.de) has joined #touchbook
[11:19] * phcoder (~phcoder@ Quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
[11:53] * Vito89 (~quassel@r6bf250.net.upc.cz) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[11:54] * jvs (~jvs@cpe90-146-54-100.liwest.at) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[11:56] * Vito89 (~quassel@r6bf250.net.upc.cz) has joined #touchbook
[11:56] * jvs (~jvs@cpe90-146-54-100.liwest.at) has joined #touchbook
[11:59] * MMlosh (~MMlosh@2001:470:1f0b:b78:6835:1816:1881:719) has joined #touchbook
[12:00] * Meizirkki (~Meizirkki@bbwirelessgw2-fee1dc00-2.dhcp.inet.fi) has joined #touchbook
[12:05] * MMlosh (~MMlosh@2001:470:1f0b:b78:6835:1816:1881:719) Quit (Quit: Bye...)
[12:08] <_ant_> Does TouchBook fully supports SDHC class 10 or the speed will be limited to class 6?
[12:08] * Vito89 (~quassel@r6bf250.net.upc.cz) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[12:09] * shiznebit (~shiznebit@ool-18b99096.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #touchbook
[12:12] <gregoiregentil> _ant_: no limit I think
[12:16] * mongrelcat (~taylorh@c-76-111-169-204.hsd1.de.comcast.net) has joined #touchbook
[12:19] * robclark (~robclark@nat/ti/x-jpfjfogywtvgyenm) Quit (Quit: robclark)
[12:27] * drantin reads that as "unlimited bandwidth" and goes insane from joy
[12:29] * phcoder (~phcoder@gprs33.swisscom-mobile.ch) has joined #touchbook
[12:36] <Mrkva> and about capacity? :)
[12:36] <Mrkva> (stupid question, sorry)
[12:43] * niloc132 (~colin@adsl-76-239-25-55.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) has joined #touchbook
[12:47] * jvs (~jvs@cpe90-146-54-100.liwest.at) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[12:49] * MMlosh (~MMlosh@2001:470:1f0b:b78:5135:f881:24ad:a889) has joined #touchbook
[12:49] * mcr (mcr@wlan202.sandelman.ca) has joined #touchbook
[12:57] * _ant_ (~ant@95-27-51-182.broadband.corbina.ru) Quit (Quit: ?????????? ?? ???? ?????? (xchat 2.4.5 ?????? ????????????))
[13:17] * phcoder (~phcoder@gprs33.swisscom-mobile.ch) Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[13:19] * MMlosh (~MMlosh@2001:470:1f0b:b78:5135:f881:24ad:a889) Quit (Quit: Bye...)
[13:20] * Noume (~Noone@g224178166.adsl.alicedsl.de) Quit (Quit: Ex-Chat)
[13:23] * azaghal_ (~azaghal@ has joined #touchbook
[13:25] * Meizirkki (~Meizirkki@bbwirelessgw2-fee1dc00-2.dhcp.inet.fi) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[13:26] * azaghal (~azaghal@ Quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
[13:29] * azaghal_ is now known as azaghal
[13:35] * zeusone (~zeusone@host-85-27-11-243.brutele.be) has joined #touchbook
[13:44] * merp (~merp@ has joined #touchbook
[13:51] * torpor (~w1x@88-117-76-57.adsl.highway.telekom.at) has joined #touchbook
[13:59] * torpor (~w1x@88-117-76-57.adsl.highway.telekom.at) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[14:04] * zeusone (~zeusone@host-85-27-11-243.brutele.be) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[14:13] * Martix (~Martix@gw-unart.inext.cz) has left #touchbook
[14:14] * Martix (~Martix@gw-unart.inext.cz) has joined #touchbook
[14:39] * azaghal_ (~azaghal@ has joined #touchbook
[14:40] * mongrelcat (~taylorh@c-76-111-169-204.hsd1.de.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[14:42] * azaghal (~azaghal@ Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
[14:49] * shiznebit_ (~shiznebit@ool-18b99096.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #touchbook
[14:50] * shiznebit_ (~shiznebit@ool-18b99096.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Client Quit)
[14:50] * shiznebit_ (~shiznebit@ool-18b99096.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #touchbook
[14:53] * azaghal_ is now known as azaghal
[14:53] * shiznebit (~shiznebit@ool-18b99096.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[15:03] * merp is now known as moi
[15:16] * mammique (~mammique@85-170-152-14.rev.numericable.fr) has joined #touchbook
[15:19] * mongrelcat (~taylorh@wifi-roaming-17-180.nss.udel.edu) has joined #touchbook
[15:25] * phcoder (~phcoder@gprs09.swisscom-mobile.ch) has joined #touchbook
[15:46] * Vito_| (~Sysel@gw.loccal.net) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[15:49] * Vito_| (~Sysel@gw.loccal.net) has joined #touchbook
[16:13] * moi (~merp@ Quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
[16:14] * Martix (~Martix@gw-unart.inext.cz) has left #touchbook
[16:15] * shiznebit_ (~shiznebit@ool-18b99096.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[16:31] * Matthias-- (~Matthias@2a01:e35:2e79:e590:217:31ff:feb6:acf3) Quit (Remote host closed the connection)
[16:34] * mongrelcat (~taylorh@wifi-roaming-17-180.nss.udel.edu) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[17:01] * phcoder (~phcoder@gprs09.swisscom-mobile.ch) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[18:08] * Mrkva (~Mrkva@ Quit (Quit: leaving)
[19:15] * shiznebit (~shiznebit@ool-18b99096.dyn.optonline.net) has joined #touchbook
[20:15] * niloc132 (~colin@adsl-76-239-25-55.dsl.emhril.sbcglobal.net) Quit (Quit: niloc132)
[21:49] * hyc (~hyc@mail.highlandsun.com) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[21:49] * mongrelcat (~taylorh@c-76-111-169-204.hsd1.de.comcast.net) has joined #touchbook
[21:57] * shiznebit (~shiznebit@ool-18b99096.dyn.optonline.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[22:00] * alextisserant (~alextisse@c-76-21-41-103.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) has joined #touchbook
[22:27] * mongrelcat (~taylorh@c-76-111-169-204.hsd1.de.comcast.net) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[22:27] * mongrelcat (~taylorh@c-76-111-169-204.hsd1.de.comcast.net) has joined #touchbook
[22:44] * alextisserant (~alextisse@c-76-21-41-103.hsd1.ca.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: alextisserant)
[22:48] * Vito_| (~Sysel@gw.loccal.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
[23:42] * mongrelcat (~taylorh@c-76-111-169-204.hsd1.de.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: Leaving.)
[23:56] * merp (~merp@ has joined #touchbook
[23:58] * tommd (~Thomas_Du@71-34-66-100.ptld.qwest.net) Quit (Ping timeout: 248 seconds)

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